There is small update from us. Now it is spinner and prop blades for Bf109G-2/3/4/5/6/8/14 in 1/32 scale. It is ready to install direct to Hasegawa Bf109 (poly cap mount) and need some minor modification to install the prop shaft for Revell kit. You don’t need to sand a sprue and drill mounting hole on the backplate. All is ready to install.
- A.M.U.R.Reaver (105)
1/32 1/48 1/144 3D Print A-10 Academy Bf109 CH-53 Eduard F-4 F-14 F-15 F-16 F-111 F/A-18A/B/C/D Hasegawa Hawker Hunter Hobbyboss ICM IL-76 IL-96 Kinetic Kitty Hawk MENG MiG-29 Monogram P-51 PE R-77 RA-5C resin cast Revell Su-17 Su-22 Su-25 Su-27 Su-30 Su-33 Su-35 Tamiya Trumpeter Tu-204 Tu-214 Zvezda Звезда