- A.M.U.R.Reaver (98)
1/32 1/48 1/144 3D Print A-10 Academy Bf109 CH-53 Eduard F-4 F-14 F-15 F-16 F-111 F/A-18A/B/C/D Hasegawa Hawker Hunter Hobbyboss ICM IL-76 IL-96 Kinetic Kitty Hawk MiG-29 P-51 PE Quinta R-77 RA-5C resin cast Revell Spitfire Su-17 Su-22 Su-25 Su-27 Su-30 Su-33 Su-35 Tamiya Trumpeter Tu-204 Tu-214 Zvezda Звезда
Tag Archives: Su-33
PE4831 Su-33 Exterior 1/48
Detail set for Kinetic Su-33 Flanker-D in 1/48.
RC4817 Su-27/30/33/34 Engine Nozzles 1/48
Out of stock. This product presents full-open nozzles, as we can see on real aircraft shut down engines. The nozzles have correct scale size and fit 1/48 HobbyBoss Su-27 family.
Posted in A.M.U.R.Reaver
Tagged 1/48, Hobbyboss, resin cast, Su-27, Su-30, Su-33, Su-34
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PE4808 Su-27/33/35 Louvres and Meshes Set 1/48
Out of stock. The kit is intended to simulate louvres and meshes on aircraft models Su-27 (and based of its conversions Su-33, Su-35, Chinese J-11) in 1/48 scale produced by Academy or Hobbyboss.